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Lilly Industries Survey Demonstrates Consumer- Attitudes Toward Furniture Care

Furniture World Magazine


Lilly Industries Inc. is releasing the results of a survey conducted in May 1998 outlining consumer beliefs and attitudes regarding the programs, finishes, services and care products available for their furniture. The survey evaluated the importance consumers place on having one company with the capability to handle all of their furniture concerns. It also sought to identify their awareness of brand names, and to find out what care products are typically purchased and why. 'We conducted this survey to determine it furniture consumers found value In a single source providing the finish for their furniture as well as the warranty and service programs, the care products, and the service to repair or refinish the product," said Jerry Wachter, business development director for Lilly's Specialty Business Unit. The respondents for this survey had all purchased furniture in the past year. Because this study focused on care products and services for wood furniture, a quota of at least 83 percent of the respondents had to have purchased wood furniture. "We feel that with this study we have reached the consumers who are best qualified to comment on our total furniture care program, which is based on our ability to tie all the components together for furniture consumers," said Wachter. "The results have given us the confidence to move forward," These results revealed that it does make a difference for a furniture consumer to know that the company that produces and provides the stains and finishes on their furniture is the same company that is providing the warranty and service programs, the care products, and the service to repair or refinish theIr furniture. When the 64 percent of respondents that answered positively were asked why, the two most common answers given were the company's knowledge of stains and finishes and that dealing with one company Is better than dealing with multiple companies When asked if the brand name of the service provider and care products would affect their purchase, 71 percent said it positively affects their decision. The overall impression of the respondents to the GuardsmanĀ® brand name pertaining to wood was 66 percent positive, 33 percent neutral. As 'it pertains to leather, response was 73 percent positive, 24 percent neutral, Consumer response to Guardsman brand care products and services for upholstery was 75 percent positive and 25 percent neutral. "As a result of the survey, Lilly will begin to aggressively pursue opportunities to assist the furniture industry with their furniture care and maintenance from beginning to end," added Wachter. Lilly Industries is the largest supplier of fine furniture finishes to the North American furniture industry. Lilly offers the Guardsman line of furniture care, maintenance, and protection products to furniture retailers and consumers. In addition, completing a full circle of protection and service, Lilly, through its Guardsman WoodPro in-home service franchise operation, offers repair and refinishing services to the furniture manufacturer, retailer, and consumer. Lilly ranks among the largest North American manufacturers of industrial coatings and specialty chemical products. Founded in 1865 in Indianapolis, Lilly supplies customers worldwide from plant and sales off ices located in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The company acquired Guardsman Products, Inc. In 1996. For more information about Lilly Industries, Inc. and its capabilities, call (800) 253-3957, extension 856, e-mail at baltrub@guardsman.com or visit our web sites at www.guardsman.com, www.guardsmanwoodpro.com, or www.lillyindustries.com.