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Consumers Get No Satisfaction from Furniture Shopping

Furniture World Magazine


American consumers do not look at furniture purchases with the same pride and personal satisfaction they experience when shopping for other products such as automobiles, electronics and clothing, according to a national survey released today in connection with the opening of the semi-annual International Home Furnishings Market. "Sadly, furniture has become a commodity, filling space in a room," said Britt Beemer, founder and President of America's Research Group, which conducted the nationwide research. "Furniture is apparently not filling any core needs for its buyer, and therefore its priority level is lower in the minds of many consumers," Beemer explained. Identical national surveys were conducted in 1988 and 1993, giving America's Research Group tracking data on shifts in consumer attitudes about furniture shopping in the past decade. The results indicate that "The home furnishings industry has made little progress to interest the little voice in shoppers which says 'What do I need to buy today?"' Beemer said. Furniture shoppers in 1998 are more conscious of quality than they were 10 years ago, the research found. More are interested in solid wood purchases as opposed to veneers, and sturdiness and improved construction are prerequisites in consumers' minds when purchasing a quality sofa. The national survey of consumers also found: Furniture products must be displayed in eye-catching surroundings. Special ordering furniture is associated with upper end furniture stores. More people are dissatisfied with their furniture today than at any time in the past 10 years. Even so, they are more willing to give up if they can't find the furniture they like and will purchase a non-furniture product. Americans are now accustomed to responding to furniture advertising on television and through direct mail, and less on newspaper advertising. America's Research Group conducted the survey to determine consumer attitudes about furniture shopping during September, 1998. America's Research Group is the leading consumer research firm in the retail industry. Since its founding in 1979, ARG has interviewed more than three million American consumers, adding to its database with 5,000 to 8,000 new consumer interviews each week.