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IHFRA Awards Tri-State Chapter

Furniture World Magazine


The International Home Furnishings Representatives Association announced that the 1998 winner of the Chapter of the Year has been awarded to Tri-State Home Furnishings Association, an affiliate chapter covering the states of Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The award is given annually to an IHFRA Chapter who has excelled in their membership effort and program, IHFRA support, and industry involvement. Previous winners include the Maryland/DC and Virginia/Carolinas Chapters. Tri-State HFA has been and continues to be a vibrant chapter of IHFRA. They attained 105% membership in 1997, and retail membership continues to grow at a rapid pace. In addition, they are active in the legislative activities of IHFRA with REP-PAC co-chair, Kurt Gale, and Legislative Action Chair, Wayne Miller. They contribute to local charities such as Variety Club, and make memorial donations to various organizations. The chapter also honors people in the home furnishings industry through their annual awards dinner. In 1996 they honored Connie Post as Person of the Year, and in 1997, the award went to Judy George. "We are extremely excited to be recognized by IHFRA," says Tri-State President and Board of Director Ray Isser. "As a chapter, we strive to be an active part of the home furnishings community through our membership, awards, and legislative activities. Receiving this award is an honor, and will encourage us as we lead our chapter into a new century." Tri-State was honored at IHFRA's 4th Annual "March on Washington," March 1-4, 1998. The event, dedicated to educating legislature on the needs of the independent sales professional, was held at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC. E-mail:  ihfra@aol.com or to visit IHFRA's web area Click Here.