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The Future Of The Imported Wood Products Industry Is The Spotlight Of World Of Wood 2001

Furniture World Magazine


World of Wood 2001, IWPA's 45th Annual Convention & 13th International Forest Products Exhibition, wil be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 14-16, 2001. Known as the largest gathering of the North American imported wood products industry, World of Wood is for offshore producers, U.S. importers, service providers to the imported wood products industry, manufacturers, or end- users. Early-Bird registration ends February 1, 2001. Hotel reservations need to be made by February 13, 2001 to ensure room availability at the IWPA group rate of US$170/night. After that date, rooms are first come, first served, and the IWPA group rate is not guaranteed. Exhibit hours are: Thursday, March 15, from 11 a.m. until 1:00 pm; Friday, March 16, from 11 a.m. until 1:30 pm. THE WORLD OF WOOD 2001 PROGRAM will also feature speakers that will provide valuable insight about the future of the international wood products industry: Dr. Ariel Lugo, Director, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; "Mahogany and its Lessons for Tropical Forestry in the New Millennium;" Mr. Charles R. Widman, Widman Associates, "The Future of Softwood Imports in the U.S. Market;" Mr. Tim Stanceu, Hogan & Hartson, "The New Administration and the Outlook for International Trade;" Mr. Marc Morano, American Investigator, Producer of Amazon Rainforest: Clearcutting the Myths; Mr. Keister Evans, Tropical Forest Foundation, "International Developments in S ustainable Forest Management;" Mr. Ron Arnold, Author of Undue Influence. Immediately following World of Wood 2001, IWPA has arranged a trip to the Caribbean National Forest on Saturday, March 17. This trip has been coordinated with the International Institute of Tropical Forestry. World of Wood 2001 registration materials and information on speakers are available on line at: http://www.iwpawood.org/convention.html Or, contact IWPA for a hard copy by mail/fax at the address below. International Wood Products Association - 4214 King Street West - Alexandria, VA 22302 USA - phone: 703-820-6696 fax: 703-820-8550email: info@iwpawood.org