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Momentum Builds For January National Oriental Rug Show (NORS'99)

Furniture World Magazine


Plans are in place for the 17" annual National Oriental Rue, Show (NORS '99), Across the country, America's leading importers and manufacturers of oriental and area rugs are fine-tuning their newest collections in preparation for the industry's biggest event of the year. The Oriental Rug Importers Association, co-sponsors of the four day event with Anierciasmart Atlanta, anticipates that this year's exhibitors will book over 100,000 square feet of temporary showroom space for the market in addition to the 400,000 sq. feet already leased to permanent exhibitors. Slated for January 14-17, NORS'99 is by far the largest market for oriental rugs in this country. This year it will feature the best and most exciting merchandise offered by over 75 companies filling five floors of Atlanta's Merchandise Mart. America's premiere retail buyers of both oriental and decorative area rugs from department stores, furniture stores, floor covering as well as oriental rug specialty stores are expected to attend. According to Lucille Laufer, Executive Director of the Oriental Rug Importers Assoc., "The number and diversity of stores that will be represented by buyers at NORS reflects the increasing importance of area rugs in general and oriental rugs in particular to home furnishings retailers who recognize their extraordinary profit potential. The American consumer' s preference for area rugs as a floor covering continues to grow every year and NORS, as the pre-eminent market for area rugs, grows with it." Additional highlights of NORS'99 will include a two hour multimedia event, "Figures in the Carpet-Exploring the Theme of Oriental Rugs in Poetry, Painting and Music," presented by Dr. Kathleen R. Bashian, Ph.D. Valuable sales and promotional materials will be offered throughout the market and the annual America's Magnificent Carpet exhibit and competition will culminate in a gala award ceremony on Saturday night. NORS'99 is co-sponsored by the Oriental Rug Importers Association and the Amercasmart. For more information on NORS'99, contact ORIA headquarters at 201-866-5054. For hotel and travel arrangements, call (800) 241-6405.