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Rough Handling Indicator Gives Proof of Rough Handling On Furniture Shipments:

Furniture World Magazine


A new indicator attached directly to a package's exterior surface monitors the 'care in handling' of any shipment or other product movement situation. TILTWATC14 PLUS™ is the name of the new device from Media Recovery Inc., which may be applied in the same fashion as a 'peel and stick', pressure sensitive label. TILTWATCH PLUS™ is actually three separate registers in a single, indicator unit measuring just 4.63" x 4.63"x .25"thick. One register indicates starting angle. The second register indicates exact angular amount of tilt endured and the third register indicates whether or not the unit was completely inverted (total overturn). Together the three registers of a TILTWATCH PLUS™ indicator unit provide inexpensive 360' tilt monitoring for the entire duration of shipping transit and an unalterable record of damaging excesses. The simple presence of Media Recovery's new TILTWATCH PLUS™ units often serve to lower the incidence of rough handling as well as providing documented proof for damage claims when required. The indicator units measure angles of container tilt in 101 increments from vertical plumb (with a guaranteed accuracy of plus or minus 5o). Unit construction features nonmagnetic stainless steel register balls in a clear P.E.T.E. housing and they are certified to operate accurately within temperature tolerances from -40oF to +140oF at 5% to 99% humidity. Media Recovery, Inc., internationally known as damage prevention consultants, are headquartered in Dallas, Texas, where they develop, manufacture and market a broad range of damage prevention and industrial safety products. Product distribution is worldwide through a national sales force and a network of strategic partners and resellers. For further information, Kevin Kohleriter, Marketing Manager, Media Recovery, Inc. 7929 Brookriver Drive, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75247 USA, Tel (800)527-9497, Fax(214)638-4512, Web: http://www.shockwatch.com