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Interior Design Expo™ Helps in Fight Against Homelessness

Furniture World Magazine


The Interior Design Expo™ and Baltimore’s Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity enter into an agreement to help combat local homelessness during the Interior Design Expo slated for May 15-16, 2004, at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, MD. Classic Productions C.E.O., Gregory S. Winton for Interior Design Expo™ will contribute to Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity of Baltimore, MD by donating a percentage of all Expo’s ticket sales to the local charitable organization located in Baltimore County. Winton says, “All attendees visiting the Interior Design Expo can feel good knowing that a portion of their entrance fees will assist someone less privileged at the same time.” "We're thrilled by this wonderful partnership with the Interior Design Expo," said Marisa Canino, Deputy Director of Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity. "The awareness and support generated from this event will help us create more affordable homeownership opportunities for Baltimore families in need. It's fantastic when businesses step up to the plate to support the surrounding community, and we're particularly excited that the Interior Design Expo is so closely aligned with our mission. It's a perfect fit." “As advocates for the homeless and low-income families, we are looking to contribute to the local community. We truly hope that other local businesses will jump on-board with us in this call for help to make a difference, as it has been a very cold winter. This upcoming event will be a win-win situation for all involved,” says Winton. "We encourage everyone in the community to come out and support this local effort." The Interior Design Expo is donating to the following organizations in 2004; Middlesex Interfaith Partners with the Homeless of NJ; Safe Harbor of Greater West Chester County, Pennsylvania, Homestretch, Inc. of Fairfax County, Virginia, Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk County in Long Island, New York, Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity in Baltimore, Maryland, The Center for Creative Non Violence in Washington, DC. For event information visit: http://www.interiordesignexpo.com. For information about Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity, contact Marisa Canino, Deputy Director, Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity, 5820 York Road, Baltimore MD 21212, 410-433-9144, http://www.chesapeakehfh.org.