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Tips For Avoiding Bad Checks

Furniture World Magazine


Check accptance proceedures for furniture retailers.

Houston based TeleCheck Services Inc., a company that provides check acceptance, check guarantee, new account services and recovery services, suggests that retailers follow the following check acceptance procedures this coming holiday season:

  • Establish a check acceptance policy on what are the acceptable forms of ID, what information is required or if there is to be a dollar limit and make no exceptions from the policy. Fraud artists are skilled at creating hassles or confusion that can leave you stuck with a bad check.

  • When accepting a check, make sure the name, address and phone number is printed on the check and the written and numeral amounts correspond.

  • Pay attention to the "feel" of the check; most check paper has the same weight and texture.

  • Watch the check writer sign the check and have the customer print the name below, if the signature is illegible.

  • Compare the signatures, photo and physical description of the ID with that of the check writer.

  • Check the driver's license, which should be smooth all over with no ridges that indicate an alteration or modification. Verify that the ID is still valid.

  • Write on the check a place of employment, work number or Social Security number.

  • Check the account's opening date (month & year) usually indicated by four numbers to the side of the account holder's name and address. Recently opened accounts can be an indication of a potentially risky check.

  • All checks, except government checks, should have a perforation along one side of the check.

  • Use a check guarantee or verification service.