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G.P.S. Furniture International Inc., Retailers Win Trip to Mexico

Furniture World Magazine


Winners of the 1998 G.P.S. Furniture International and Lady Americana Bedding sales promotion received an expense paid, week long vacation for 2 to The Exotic Resort of Viva Azteca Playacar, Mexico. Sixteen very happy recipients were among the winning retailers including two very excited G.P.S. Furniture International employees, Steve Benidt and Jim Conway. Congratulations are in order to the following retailers and their reactions and quotes were as follows: The Way We Were Woodsville, NH: Owner Wayne Minnick and his wife Michelle (A.K.A. Roulettte Wayne and Mermaid Michelle) were quoted as saying, "We wanted to tell you how terrible this place is, but I guess we can't. This is really GREAT. Thanks so much for this trip." Joe's Discount Plattsburg, NY: Owner Dawn Becker & John Dee (A.K.A. Early in the morning Dawn & Mr. Havana Jack) who were heard saying, "This weather is really wonderful. We haven't seen snow since Boston and we don't want to go back home." Affordable Comfort Queensbury, NY: Owner Linda Blackburn & Chip Corlew (A.K.A. Crispy Linda & Just do it Chip) whispered, " This vacation was definitely worth the work of selling those mattresses." Willette's Furniture Milford, NH: Owner Charlie Willette and his wife Joanna (A.K.A. Charlie boom, boom & next time I'll take the Jeep Joanna) expressed these words, " Wish you were here." Furniture Surplus Waterbury, CONN: Store manager Larry Tschinkowitz and his wife Shirley ( A.K.A. Bachi ball champ Lorenzo Marcharaina & Sandy Shirly the Shopper) told us, " Having a great time. This place is beautiful and we don't have to worry about freezing rain or snow. If this trip doesn't motivate you, nothing will." LaFlamme's Everything You Need Store Cambridge, NY: Owner Chris LaFlammme and his wife Sharon (A.K.A. Senor Chris the Translator and Shirly's asst. Shopper, Sharon "Hablas espanol tenemos un viva hora." Rent-A-Center Middletown, NY: Manager Alan Colegrove & Neil Kelly (A.K.A. The Cuda & Father Neil) preached the following, " Females all these females, ARRIBA!!!" As you can tell by the quotes and nicknames there was alot of fun going on and everyone had a great time. Not to be left out of the nicknaming were the G.P.S. Furniture Int. hosts Steve Benidt (A.K.A. Follow The Leader, Tequilia Sunrise Steve), and Jim Conway (A.K.A. The Sinsi Capt. Tutix). The Year 2000 G.P.S. Furniture Int./Lady Americana Bedding Sales Promotion will start April 1, 1999 and end March 31, 2000. A week long all expenses paid vacation for two will be awarded for each 2500 points accumulated. More details and a chance to Win A Free Lady Americana Bedding Sales Promotion Gallery and many other fine gifts will be offered at the G.P.S. Furniture International Open House March 14, 15, 16 #8; 17TH located at 11 Delta Drive Londonderry, NH. A Catered affair will be held each day, and out of state lodging will be supplied for Retail Buyers. Call for more details at 603-421-0900 or email us at info@gpsfurniture.com.