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IHFRA Announces "March on Washington"

Furniture World Magazine


The International Home Furnishings Representatives Association, in conjunction with the National Alliance of Sales Representatives Association, announces its 4th annual "March on Washington" February 28th-March 4th, 1998, to be held in Washington, DC. Board members, legislative action committees, and chapter members will converge on Capitol Hill for 5 days of meetings, legislative training, and congressional education efforts. The Board of Directors will hold their annual business meeting on March 1st at the Watergate Hotel, followed in the evening by a welcoming reception and kick-off for NASRA. Monday, March 2nd, attendees will benefit from a specially designed legislative training from NASRA Washington Counsel, the Honorable James D. "Mike" McKevitt, and Abraham Schneier. The two-hour special presentation featuring McKevitt and Schneier, will focus on an "Insider's view of Washington politics." Through NASRA, our legislative coalition, key aides from the House Small Business Committee have been scheduled to speak in the afternoon - addressing issues such as home office, independent contractor status, business meal deductions, and estate tax reform. The final two days in Washington will be spent on Capitol Hill, meeting with Members of Congress on issues related directly to the small business person. Over three hundred appointments are annually scheduled. Tuesday night, IHFRA hosts a cocktail reception and black tie dinner at the Watergate, followed by an awards gala, where Charles Ray, CHR, will be installed as the association's 60th president. Ray, the third national president from the Georgia Home Furnishings Representatives Association, will oversee the adoption of the Strategic Plan for the new millenium. "Charles will bring an added dimension to IHFRA through his Harvard MBA and long term planning capabilities," says 1997 President Robert A. Bruns, CHR. IHFRA's legislative action chairman, Wayne Miller, CHR, says the event is an important part of the association's mission. "As members of IHFRA, we support the position of the independent sales representative, and educating Congress is critical to spreading our message and promoting members needs in the industry." The meeting is open to all members of IHFRA and their spouses. For more information on the meeting, or IHFRA's legislative action, you can contact the association at (336) 889-3920 e-mail:  ihfra@aol.com.