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Western Retailers Headed To Puerto Vallarta, Mexico For The 1999 WHFA Managerial Conference May 16-19,1999

Furniture World Magazine


Western home furnishings retailers, manufacturers and representatives will attend three days of educational workshops, network with fellow retailers, visit a two-day tradeshow, and participate in " south of the border" recreational activities all during the 1999 WHFA Managerial Conference in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, May 16-19,1999. "We've chosen Puerto Vallarta, Mexico as this year's site because of its beautiful location and outstanding conference facilities. We're anticipating exceeding all attendance records by combining forces with furniture retailers from the Northwest to make this year's conference a truly "Western" regional Conference," says John Sanders, WHFA Southwest Region Conference Chairman from Sander's Furniture in San Rafael, CA and Keith Koplan, WHFA Northwest Region Conference Chairman from Koplan's Furniture, Vancouver, WA. There will be something for everyone at the Conference. Well received, Dennis Conforto, formerly with GERS Retail Systems, will speak on "Strategic Benefits of Retailer and Manufacturer Alliances". Dennis will follow his General Session by leading a panel discussion. Three retailers and three manufacturers will openly discuss the advantages and their experiences of their strategic alliances. Also, Robert Tucker of The Innovative Resource will teach attendees how to "Win and Keep Value Driven Customers." Specifically, Tucker's General Session will show you how to profit from ideas such as: How to Make the Seven Value Strategies Work for You How to Profit by Redefining Your Company's Value Proposition How to Gain Greater Perceived Value From Your Sales and Marketing Efforts How to Involve Everyone on Your Team in Delivering Superior Customer Value Attendees will also be given the opportunity to participate in networking breakout sessions lead by prominent home furnishings retailers including: Jerome James of Hafer's Home Furnishings, Manteca, CA; Arne Rosencrantz, Garrett's Furniture, Las Vegas, NV; Ronnie Bensimon, Dearden's, Los Angles, CA; and Howard Haimsohn, Lawrence Contemporary, San Diego, CA. Discussion topics include: How to Develop a Plan of Action to Create a Retailer/Manufacturer Alliance Special Promotions That Pay Profit Producing Ideas for Managing the Sales Department How to Put Your Value Driven Strategies to Work Increasing and Managing Co-op Advertising Funds Tips to Help Manage Damaged Goods and Factory Returns "If you are a new key manager or experience CEO of a small, medium or large home furnishings business, a manufacturer, or manufacturer's representative dedicated to sharpening your leadership qualities, then this Conference is for you! " adds Sanders. "In addition to the educational opportunities, snorkeling, shopping tours, tropical tour and nature hike, and half-day fishing trips are planned. And don't forget the crystal clear ocean is available to help you relax and network with friends." For registration materials, call Jef Spencer at the WHFA office at (916) 784-7677.