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Consumer Checklist For Upholsterey- UFAC Messages In Brief

Furniture World Magazine


When shopping for upholstered furniture, consider value, comfort, color, quality, construction, style ... and SAFETY! Look for upholstery that carries a gold UFAC Hangtag. This tells you that it is constructed to be more resistant to burning cigarettes ... the message appears in English, French and Spanish. Upholstered furniture in retail stores today is safer for your home because it is constructed to be more resistant to burning cigarettes. This upholstery carriers a gold UFAC Hangtag with the cover reading UFAC SAFETY INFORMATION. Since the beginning of UFAC, the Upholstered Furniture Action Council, home fires caused by cigarette ignition of upholstered furniture have declined by 77%. UFAC is the furniture industry's voluntary program to construct and sell safer upholstery. UFAC gold-tagged upholstered furniture is more resistant to burning cigarettes. It is "safer", not safe. Be responsible, install and maintain smoke detectors and practice safe smoking habits. Although UFAC tagged upholstered furniture is more cigarette resistant ... it is '"safer" ...not safe. Never smoke if you are very tired, taking strong medication, drinking alcohol or reclining on a bed or sofa. The life you save may be your own or that of someone you love. UFAC is not a manufacturing company! It is a voluntary industry program to reduce the cigarette ignition of upholstered furniture. UFAC has the cooperation of all sectors of the furniture industry. Since the beginning of the program, upholstered furniture fires started by cigarette ignition have declined 77%. Features to consider when selecting comfortable seating for your home include: Visual Appeal--color and texture of the covering fabric; Construction and Comfort--plushiness or tautness of sofa cushions; spring construction ... eight way, hand-tied or webbing; Size/Scale-based on the size of the room and other furnishings; Workmanship--matching of patterns, detailed tailoring; Value-Priced--quality and style are available in every price range; plus Safe --the upholstery piece carries a gold UFAC Hangtag that signifies that it is more resistant to cigarette ignition. For more information on UFAC, e-mail them at  UFACRE@aol.com