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VCHFRA Retailer Of The Year To Be Recognized At Fall Market Sizzle

Furniture World Magazine


An industry leader will be recognized at the October Market by the Virginia/Carolinas Home Furnishings Representatives' Association and the Southern Home Furnishings Association. The Retailer Of The Year award will be presented Tuesday, October 21, 1997, at the Fall Market Sizzle. The home furnishings representatives' membership from Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, will select from three nominees a retailer to be honored for distinguished contributions to the furniture industry. Furniture World Magazine is the sponsor of the award. Entertainment will feature Cut Glass, an East Coast favorite, who have been entertaining for more than a quarter of a century and recorded two albums and a 45 single. Their music ranges from big band, rock 'n' roll to country, and traditional to contemporary. Cocktails begin at 6:00 p.m. in IHFC's International Ballroom, Green Wing, 11th Floor. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m., awards ceremony begins 7:45 p.m., and show time at 8 p.m. with music for dancing to follow until 10 p.m. The MARKET SIZZLE is part of the MARKET BONUS DAYS promotion which features special accommodation, educational and entertainment programs for designers, accessory buyers and small dealers attending the second half of market. Tickets are $15.00 and may be purchased in advance through the VCHFRA office 910.886.4717 or SHFA office - 910.885.6146.