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IFDA New York Chapter Announces 1999 Board Of Directors

Furniture World Magazine


The New York Chapter of the International Furnishings and Design Association announced their new slate of Directors, who will serve for the 1999 calendar year. The IFDA is an international organization that is comprised of approximately 2,000 professionals in all aspects of home furnishings including trade and consumer magazine editors, interior designers and architects, as well as sales, marketing public relations and advertising executives in furniture, fabrics, lighting, tabletop, flooring and window treatments. The New York Chapter is the largest single chapter with almost 400 members. Vicki Enteen, director of public relations Waverly. is the new President- Holly Munter-Koenig, vice president of Associated Management Group, is President Elect. Debra Caserta, assistant PR director Westpoint Stevens has been named Recording Secretary. Treasurer is Neil Janovic, vice president, Janovic Plaza. Special Events will be handled by Margot Gunther, interior designer and Nancy Chernoff White, director of Retail, tabletops and home textiles for House Beautiful. Claude Delibes, president, Delibes Marketing, and Pat Gannon, partner Gannon & Smith Communications, are managing Publicity. Laura Dye Lang, home furnishings editor of Home Magazine, and Colleen Brewer, home design editor of Bridal Guide, are heading up Publications. Education duties will be handled by Fla Siegel, Elaine Siegel Associates. and Pat Chapman, Chapman Jones Communications. Paula Delli-Carpini~ president, Delli Carpini Marketing Communications and Annette Stramesi, editor Colonial Homes take on Marketing duties. Professional Development will be managed by Allison Bilotta, chief executive officer, Vanderbilt Home Furnishings and Michele Goitia, assistant manager marketing, bedding, Franco Manufacturing Company, Mary Lous Krajci, senior editor Country Living and Ruth Beck, president Design Directions, will oversee Programs, while Carolyn Sollis, executive editor, House Beautiful and Al Berman associate publisher, Colonial Homes will run Program Resources. Jerome Hanauer, Jerome Hanauer & Associates, will handle Foundation responsibilities. Awards & Recognition are under the auspices of Eleanor Cohen, independent public relations consultant. Membership Retention will be chaired by Ann White, president White, Good & Company, while Membership Recruitment will be managed by Lisa Walsh Quezada, managing editor, Country Living's Gardener. N. Y. chapter advisors include Valerie Moran, executive vice president, Grange Furniture, Kathleen Mahoney, senior editor House Beautiful, and Dan Bonini, vice president marketing, Waverly. For additional information about IFDA/NEW YORK, Call 212 686-6020