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AmericasMart·Atlanta To Recognize Area Rug Industry's Top Area Rug Designs

Furniture World Magazine


The area rug industry's newest, most innovative, fashion-forward area rug designs will be honored at AMERICASMART·ATLANTA at its fifth annual America's Magnificent Carpets Awards, a featured event in the January 15-18, 1998 Atlanta International Area Rug Market, featuring the National Oriental Rug Show. The America's Magnificent Carpets Awards program honors the top designs from handmade, machine-made and antique area rug importers and manufacturers from around the world. America's Magnificent Carpets Awards is an Atlanta exclusive, and more than 100 entries are expected. Winners will be chosen by a panel of distinguished industry experts who select the best rugs from 13 categories. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony at 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 17, 1998, in the Fashion Theater, located on Apparel Mart floor 15. The 1997 America's Magnificent Carpets Awards winners in each category were: Persian Antique Rug Gallery, Antique; The Robinson Collection, Handmade $3,501+; Lamontage, Handmade $3,001-3,500; Safavich Carpets, Handmade $2,501-3,000; Global Rug Corporation, $1,901-2,500; Royal Intercontinental, Handmade $1,251-1,900; Daniel Bolour, Handmade $650-1,250; Pande Cameron, Handmade $0-649; Whitney Rugs, Machine-made $1,000+; Tinnen Oriental Carpets, Machine-made $401-1,000; Momeni, Inc., Machine-made $201-400; Oriental Weavers of America, $101-200; Shaw Rugs, $0-100; and Samad Brothers, Most Popular Rug by Retailer Vote. Among its many relationships with leading national and international business organizations, AMERIASMART·ATLANTA is a strategic partner with the FTD Association, the world's leading floral products resource; the Oriental Rug Importers Association, the nation's leading oriental rug importers organization; and the Oriental Rug Retailers of America, an association of the nation's top area rug retailers, wholesalers, importers and other service related industries. For more information call 1-800-ATL-MART (285-6278).