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New Hands-On Craft Workshops To Debut At The August 21-25, 2004 Seattle Gift Show

Furniture World Magazine


The Seattle Gift Show management team will launch a completely revamped hands-on craft workshop program during the August 21-25, 2004 market. The Powerful Profit Centers—Teach The Teacher Workshops will educate attendees in all aspects of giftwrap, scrapbooking and creating new profit centers for their stores. Retailers will be taught how to add these services to their business as well as teach similar classes to their customers while building profit margins and in-store traffic. “The craft industry continues to grow in popularity, and many of our exhibitors have told us that they are experiencing an increase in business with this specialty market. We also believe that independent retailers can benefit, as it will give their clientele a wide selection of services to choose from without cutting into valuable square footage. It will also increase their competitive edge over the ‘big box’ chain stores,” stated Mike Dean, President of Western Exhibitors, LLC. The classes offered will be as follows: Saturday, August 21, 2004—Wrap Up More Profit For The Holidays & Beyond 9:30 am—That’s A Wrap: Giftwrapping Ideas For The Holidays and Beyond Course Leader: Packaging Specialties Staff 1:00 pm—Tie One On: Beautiful Bows For Discerning Retailers Course Leader: En-May Mangels—May Arts—Bow Expert Sunday, August 22, 2004—Creating Lasting Memories 9:30 am—Sales Sizzle With Sticker Success Course Leader: Lani Campbell—Lani Campbell & Associates/Mrs. Grossman’s 1:00 pm—Scrapbook Your Way To Profits Course Leader: Tina Masterjohn—Little Black Dress Design—Marketing Consultant Monday, August 23, 2004—New Product Options = New Profit Centers 9:30 am—Fabulous Festoons, Wreaths & Garlands Course Leader: Sue Kirby, Retail Expert 1:00 pm—A Tisket, A Tasket, Create Profit Making Baskets Course Leader: Sue Kirby, Retail Expert All sessions will be lead by stars in the craft industry and held twice each day Saturday through Monday for one hour each. The classes are designed to be attended in tandem in order to give a full range of ideas. For complete descriptions of the Teach The Teacher Workshops and other educational programming, log onto www.seattlegift.com. Reservations for Teach The Teacher Workshops can only be made by contacting Stacey Heiss at 415.447.3237 or stacey@weshows.com. The Seattle Gift Show will include over 900 exhibiting companies, encompassing 140,000 net square feet of exhibit space at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. Throughout the 12 product divisions—At Home; Cash & Carry; FoodFocus; GardenStyle; Gift & Collectibles; Handmade®; The Jewelry Vaultsm; Northwest Directions; Personal Style; Gift/Stationery & Trend; Village Arts; and The Vintage Collection—this market will feature a variety of giftware, decorative accessories, personal and fashion accessories, home décor, one-of-a-kind handmade merchandise, antiques and collectibles, tableware and fine jewelry. Nearly 15,000 buyers are expected to attend the show, which runs in cooperation with the permanent showrooms of the Seattle Gift Center (located at 6100 4th Avenue South). For buyer information, contact Western Exhibitors, LLC, 2181 Greenwich Street, San Francisco, CA 94123. Phone: 800.346.1212 (outside of the Bay Area) or 415.346.0168 (within the San Francisco Bay Area). Fax 415.346.4965. E-mail: showinfo@weshows.com. Additional information may be obtained on-line at www.seattlegift.com. The Seattle Gift Showx is managed by Universal Shows, Inc. and produced by Western Exhibitors, LLC of San Francisco, California. Handmade® and Personal Style are managed by George Little Management, LLC. The Seattle Gift Showx and The Jewelry Vaultsm are registered trademarks of Western Exhibitors, LLC, San Francisco, California, USA. Handmade® is a registered trademark of George Little Management, LLC, White Plains, New York, USA. Press Contact: Stacey L. Heiss Director of Marketing 415.447.3237 415.346.4965 fax stacey@weshows.com e-mail