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Flexible Foam Products, Inc. Appoints New V.P. Of Marketing

Furniture World Magazine


Flexible Foam Products, Inc., a leading manufacturer of polyurethane foam products with national sales and distribution, has appointed Michael W. Crowell as the company’s vice president of marketing, according to top executive sources at Flexible Foam. Crowell brings more than 31 years’ experience in the urethane foam industry to the position and is responsible for coordinating and overseeing corporate marketing activities, product branding, new product positioning, and strategic marketing for each of the company’s core foam divisions in the automotive, bedding, flooring, furniture and packaging industries. “We are extremely pleased and excited to have Michael in this position,” stated Lewie Moeller, president of Ohio Dec Plastics Group, the parent company of Flexible Foam Products, Inc. “Mike’s experience within the urethane foam industry and knowledge of Flexible Foam’s sales and marketing makes him a perfect fit with our broad, customer-driven approach to providing the finest foam products and services in the market.” Prior to his current appointment, Crowell served as vice president of sales for Flexible Foam’s automotive components division, as well as various senior level sales, marketing, and product development positions with Foamex International, Inc. He also worked as a plant chemist for Firestone Foam. Crowell earned his Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, and his Masters in Business Administration from Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Flexible Foam Products, Inc. Offers complete self-performance capabilities from in-house research and development, product testing, pouring and manufacturing, quality control, supply management, and a private fleet of transportation and delivery vehicles. Flexible Foam Products, Inc. Is a member of the Ohio Dec Plastics Group, based in Spencerville, Ohio, and the manufacturer of a broad range of polyurethane foam products for the bedding, furniture, flooring, and automotive and packaging industries. For additional company information, visit www.ohiodec.com and www.flexiblefoam.com