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Foreign Buyers Program at 2003 AWFS®Fair Is Valuable, Find AWFS® and WMMA Members

Furniture World Magazine


Twelve foreign representatives in the furnishings and woodworking industries attended the 2003 AWFS®Fair, July 31 – August 3 in Anaheim, California, USA, as guests of the Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS®) and the Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America (WMMA). The twelve companies represented Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, and New Zealand The two Associations organized a tour of the exhibit halls targeting member’s booths who had requested they be included and encouraged their guests to visit exhibiting members’ booths during the 4 days of the Fair. The aim of this joint association effort is to introduce members of both Associations to qualified, aggressive international distributors while recognizing the importance of foreign buyers to the US industry. The twelve foreign companies selected were nominated by at least one AWFS® or WMMA member. The nominations were reviewed by a joint committee to determine the final recipients of the program, and focused on major distributors who indicated their intention to add more American lines to their supplier base. These buyers were eager to add US-made products to the lines they represented, and noted that the American products are more competitive with the drop in the value of the dollar. “The AWFS®Fair is a perfect place to bring new qualified international distributors to meet members of AWFS® and WMMA, see their products in action, and form business relationships,” said Ase Stornetta, Board member of AWFS® and Chair AWFS Business Services Committee. A buyer from Mexico, Gabriel Moreno of Showmark, agreed. “This is a really great program for Central and South American countries because USA companies can sell technology and new products to Latin Countries. It is great for us (Mexicans) to show Americans that we are serious trading partners. Of course we help each other.” The buyers had positive comments about both the program and the AWFS®Fair. Robert McDonald of Skookum Tools in Canada said, “it was a very well run and useful show with a wonderfully diverse range of products and suppliers. Without the ‘Foreign Buyers Program’ I probably would not have made the decision to go.” Adrian Nuno of Articulos Tecnicos Industriales in Mexico commented, “The organization of the show and your program are one of the most professional I have attended. I would like to congratulate you.” A number of association members took advantage of this opportunity to expand their business. Lynn Arbuthnot of Mikron Woodworking Machinery was very enthusiastic, “Mikron is definitely in a better position because of this program.” Allen Eden of the Original Saw Company said, “We have been working with one of the dealers in Mexico City and plan on doing the woodworking show with them in June 2004.” President of CTD Machines (and President of AWFS®), Tom Orlando, said that his company “established a new dealer in Mexico city and made contacts with other potential dealers.” International member, Luiz D. Reis of Reval Ind. Artefatos Arame Ltda in Brazil also found the program valuable. He said, “We started a new business relationship with a distributor from Chile, and we are starting to sell to them.” In a follow-up survey, 65% said that the program should be continued. An International Visitors Lounge was available at the AWFS®Fair, and served as a welcome respite for the foreign representatives. The Foreign Buyer representatives were welcomed on their first day with a reception at 9:30-10:30 am on Wednesday July 30. From 1:00 to 3:00 pm later that day, they taken on a tour of the exhibit halls, hosted by AWFS® and WMMA members. For further information about the Foreign Buyer Program at the AWFS®Fair, please contact Dale Silverman at AWFS® at (800) 946-AWFS (2937), or Harold Zassenhaus at (301) 652-0693. The Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers® is a national association with international membership whose members cover the broad spectrum of suppliers to the woodworking and furnishings industry. AWFS® can be reached at 1-800-946-AWFS (2937) or through email at info@AWFS.org. The foreign buyers on a tour of the exhibit halls, visiting AWFS® and WMMA member booths on Wednesday, July 30.