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Daniel Lynch Sales Settles Legal Complaints Regarding Misuse Of Its Materials

Furniture World Magazine


Daniel Lynch, The Ninety Year Old Sales Promotion Company, Has Last Month Settled Two Legal Complaints Of Misuse Of Its Materials By Third Parties. In England, Daniel Lynch secured a substantial damages payment as well as a contribution to their legal costs from Mr. Bernard Eaton and his company Greenwood Retail Limited. Daniel Lynch complained that Mr. Eaton and his company had infringed their copyright and had made misleading and inaccurate representations in a settlement reached between the parties during a legal complaint in 2002. Although Mr. Eaton and Greenwood Retail denied liability, they gave undertakings not to infringe any copyright in various Daniel Lynch documents in the future. In Scotland, Daniel Lynch secured an interim interdict preventing furniture stores Buicks, and Anderson & England, both part of the Sterling Group, from infringing copyright in one of their marketing documents. That legal action has now been resolved with the Sterling companies making a contribution to Daniel Lynch's legal costs and giving permanent undertakings not to infringe the copyright in the document in question in the future. Christopher Lynch, a spokesperson for Daniel Lynch said, "We are delighted both these matters have been resolved. We always take steps when we believe individuals are pirating our material. We regret we had to issue legal proceedings in Scotland but are pleased the Scottish courts took action to protect our rights. We are equally satisfied with the settlement in England, which was achieved without the need to resort to the courts." The Daniel Lynch Sales Company are the originators of the sales promotion business and have specialized in conducting events for the retail furniture industry in the United States of America, Canada and Great Britain for three generations.