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Home Show Comes Back to Downtown Chicago

Furniture World Magazine


It has been years since there has been a major real estate and home improvement Expo in downtown Chicago. The Chicagoland Home Expo, will run Friday April 22 to Sunday April 24, 2005 at McCormick Place, and will become an annual event. Expo exhibitors will be companies servicing homeowners and soon-to-be homeowners such as realtors, homebuilders, remodelers, interior designers and related companies, lenders, government agencies, and others. As property prices continue to soar, the option of buying a new home for most Chicagoland families is diminishing. This has resulted in more and more families choosing to purchase and improve existing homes. Renovation and home improvement is a perfect way to achieve desired housing outcomes, adding value to people's homes without having to move or spend a massive amount of money. The Expo will provide attendees with an ideal opportunity to see the latest and most innovative home and outdoor living options available on any budget. The show will have something for everyone. A one-stop-shop, for checking out the latest trends and taking home some fantastic bargains, with an extensive range of products and services to renovate and decorate the home. Ensuring that low and moderate income households know their housing options is also imperative and there will be several government and nonprofit organizations on hand to provide targeted information. Anyone interested in becoming homeowner should come to the Expo. There will be many experts on hand to talk to you about down payment assistance programs and the importance of credit and budgeting to ensure that homeownership will be a part of your future. This event offers exhibitors the chance to meet one-on-one with thousands of qualified and enthusiastic homeowners and soon-to-be homeowners. It is a great venue for generating leads and ultimately sales. It also makes it easy for consumers to ‘shop the market’ for homes, mortgages, remodelers, interior designers, and related services without spending hours in the car or on the phone. Companies interested in exhibiting should visit the Expo website at www.chicagolandhomeexpo.com or call the Expo office at 847-201-7867. For a very reasonable investment, Expo exhibitors gain significant exposure for their company, products, and services. Applications for exhibit space and sponsorships are currently being accepted. Companies who are interested should visit the Expo website at www.chicagolandhomeexpo.com or call 847-201-7867.