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Keeping Your Cool When the Customer Gets Hot: 5 Steps to Soothing Upset People

Furniture World Magazine


By Lydia Ramsey Have you ever had a bad day in business? One where nothing seemed to go right and everywhere you turned you encountered angry or upset people? If this has never happened to you, stop reading now. However, if it has, read on. At one point or another, you have come in contact with people who were less than happy with you or your organization. It may have been because of a problem or a service, you may have said or done something to aggravate a coworker or your company took on a community issue that disturbed a client. Whatever the problem, it is always a challenge to deal effectively with upset people. Diffusing anger and handling difficult issues require special skills and practiced behaviors. It's hard to be calm and courteous when others are out of control. So what can you do to keep your cool and resolve the issue when the customer or coworker is chewing you out? Try following these five steps to sooth the situation. Step one is to listen -- really listen to what the other person is saying. Too often we don't hear all that is being said because we are busy trying to come up with our own response. If you don't fully understand why the other person is upset, you can't possibly help with the solution. Sometimes people just need to vent-to get whatever is bothering them off their chest. You may be well on your way to a resolution if you are a good listener who does not interrupt and who lets other people finish what they have to say. Often people calm down when they realize that you value them enough to hear them out. They may also hear themselves and recognize that they are overreacting or acting inappropriately. Let your body language reflect your attention as well. Use eye contact, lean in toward the other person, and use appropriate facial expressions that show your interest. If you do a good enough job with step one, you may not need to take the next four. Step two is to apologize. It doesn't matter whether the problem was actually your fault or not. Perhaps the customer received the wrong product and you had nothing to do with filling the order. As the representative of your company, you have as much responsibility as the person who made the mistake. Tell the customer that you are sorry. Your willingness to be accountable will have a positive effect. All this person may need to hear is an apology (along with receiving the right product or service) to be satisfied. Make your apology with complete sincerity. If your tone of voice doesn't match your words, you are wasting your breath. Step three is to sympathize. Let people know that you can identify with their feelings and that you understand why they are upset. A simple and sincere statement validates the customer's emotions and also says that you are not going to be argumentative. Once again match your tone to your words. Step four is to accept responsibility for the situation. Be accountable. Let your customers know that you intend to do whatever it takes to make things right, to get them the product they ordered or the service they expected. You can't help what has already happened, but you will come up with a solution to the problem or you will find someone who can. Step five is to prepare to take action. Decide how you can remedy the situation. Tell the customer exactly what you will do and when. You will replace the incorrect product as quickly as possible. If the issue was poor service, you will deliver better service immediately. Offer something extra or unexpected. Whenever you can provide a bonus of some sort or waive fees, the tiger before you is transformed into a pussycat. Use the acronym "ASAP" for calming angry people. Each letter stands for part of the process. Once you have heard the person out, apologize, sympathize, accept responsibility and prepare to take action. When you treat people with kindness, courtesy and respect, they will appreciate you and your company. When they need or want your product or service again, they will come back. An appreciative customer will recommend you and your company to others by sharing the story of their dilemma that was resolved by your excellent customer service. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lydia Ramsey is a business etiquette expert with over 30 years of experience helping companies and individuals achieve success by adopting professional manners. She is also the author of the acclaimed book "Manners that Sell- Adding the Polish that Builds Profits." As a speaker and trainer, Lydia works with others to polish their manners and communication skills. She writes a weekly business etiquette column for several southeastern newspapers and has been seen in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Selling Power and Cosmopolitan. For more information on her training, consulting and speaking, please visit: www.mannersthatsell.com or call: 912-598-9812.