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National Award for Young Furniture Designers Announced

Furniture World Magazine


The American Society of Furniture Designers will honor talented young furniture designers with the newly established President’s Award to be presented annually in conjunction with the industry’s prestigious Pinnacle Design Achievement Awards. “This new award was created to honor the memories of the late Alan Friedman and Roger Schneeman, both former ASFD presidents,” said Karl D. Felperin, a California-based furniture designer and chairman of ASFD’s Pinnacle Awards presented every October. “In honor of their memories, we will also be advancing the cause of design in recognizing excellence and creativity in young furniture designers.” Another champion of recognizing young designers, Michael Chazin, Editor and associate publisher of Upholstery Design & Management magazine and ASFD board member, said the new award will “find talent” and “inspire” up-and- coming designers. He worked with other ASFD members in creating the award. “It’s intended to give their careers a jump-start,” Chazin said. “And to give up-and-comers something to look forward to and inspire them.” All working designers under age 35 can be nominated for the President’s Award, and are not required to be affiliated with ASFD. Additional requirements include at least three years of professional experience and currently status as a working furniture designer. Each entrant will submit a portfolio, as well as a statement of their design philosophy and career objectives. In addition, a recommendation from an employer, co-worker or supervisor is required. The criteria for judging will include signs of unusual creativity, exhibited ability to learn and grow and how much the applicant has contributed to the furniture industry. “We’re looking for design talent as evidenced by success in the market,” said Felperin. The new award appreciates innovative new talent, but the designers must also have a track record. “This award is not for novice designers,” said Chazin. The President’s Award is a part of ASFD’s Pinnacle Awards program, and a subcommittee of the Pinnacle Achievement Awards judges will select the President's Award recipient. In related ASFD news, the Pinnacle Awards Committee is planning a seminar at the inaugural Las Vegas Market in July, to promote both the Pinnacle and President’s Awards. ASFD hopes to spread the word about the new award throughout the furniture industry. More details regarding the President’s Award will be released soon. Prospective entrants should begin preparing their applications, Felperin said. “It’s like playing the lottery,” Chazin said. “If you don’t apply, you can’t win.” He encourages qualified furniture designers to enter the new award contest. “We’re looking for the next generation of design leaders.” For more information about ASFD and the Pinnacle Design Achievement Awards Program, please contact: ASFD Executive Director Christine Evans, ASFD Headquarters, 144 Woodland Drive, New London, NC 28127, T: (910)576-1273, F: (910) 576-1573 or e-mail: info@asfd.com. Founded in 1981, The American Society of Furniture Designers (ASFD) is the only international, non-profit professional organization dedicated to advancing, improving and supporting the profession of furniture design and its positive impact throughout the world marketplace. Professional Members specialize in the design of both residential and contract furnishings and accessories. Membership includes both American and International professional designers, industry affiliates and associates, design school teachers and students. Corporate Members include suppliers of products and services to the industry and furniture manufacturing companies who wish to support the goals and objective of the Society.