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New Buying Guides Published For Latest Trends in Mattresses

Furniture World Magazine


In the last few years consumers have been inundated with a slew of new sleep options. Enter a showroom now and a consumer is faced with a daunting array of choices – not only standard spring beds, but now air beds, latex mattresses, and the growing arsenal of memory foam beds using the foam originally developed for NASA. In response to growing customer confusion, Healthy Foundations has developed and just released a series of consumer buying guides on these new specialty mattresses. These buying guides include www.healthyfoundations.com/guide.html [The Guide to Memory Foam], www.healthyfoundations.com/memoryfoammattress.html [The Memory Foam Mattress Buyer's Guide], www.healthyfoundations.com/latex.html [The Latex Mattress Buyer's Guide], www.healthyfoundations.com/airbed.html [The Air Bed Buyer's Guide]. David Rosenberg, owner of Healthy Foundations, explains that “Over the last couple of years we’ve seen an increase in calls from people that are just confused about all the new types of beds out there and the different options. We specialize in memory foam beds, so our first guide was our www.healthyfoundations.com/guide.html [Guide to Memory Foam]. We expanded this recently by having a separate guide just on www.healthyfoundations.com/memoryfoammattress.html [Memory Foam Mattresses], since we get so many questions from people confused about how to compare and buy a memory foam mattress.” According to Mr. Rosenberg, these memory foam buying guides have gotten such a good response that Healthy Foundations decided to expand the guides to include other specialty beds that they had researched. These new guides are now available on www.healthyfoundations.com/latex.html [Latex Mattresses], and www.healthyfoundations.com/airbed.html [Air Beds] as well. Industry research indicates that the specialty sleep mattress category has been growing at a very fast rate, and these types of mattresses are now showing up from the established players in the industry such as Sealy and Serta. Mr. Rosenberg hopes that these new buying guides will help educate consumers about these choices so they can avoid expensive mistakes and buy a mattress that will give them a good nights sleep.