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2004-2005 Executive Committee of IHFRA Installed

Furniture World Magazine


IHFRA, the International Home Furnishings Representatives Association, installed the officers of the association for 2004-2005. Founded in 1934, IHFRA resulted from a group of aggressive sales representatives who recognized the value of having an avenue for representatives from across the country to join together and benefit from each other’s immense knowledge and experience. It is a professional organization whose objective is to help good reps become better reps and offers many benefits to the professional home furnishings representative. Jeff Smith, Vice President of the Millennium Division of Ashley Furniture Industries, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the 70th Annual Presidential Gala and challenged incoming President, Terry Hollingsworth, CHR, to lead with vision. Smith noted, “A leader with vision acts as a magnet, challenging and uniting people. He provides clarity and connectedness, sets goals, is honest, can relate stories, establish relationships, ignite passion, serve as a model, and empower others in achieving strategy. Hollingsworth, the 66th President of IHFRA, is a Certified Home Furnishings Representative (CHR) and a member of the Georgia Home Furnishings Representatives Association. He lives in Atlanta and represents Ashley Furniture. In honor of Hollingsworth’s new position with IHFRA, the Ashley Marketing Specialists of Georgia (Jim Bullis, Jeff Collins, Bryant Cooper, Mark Corbett, Jason Ellenburg, Murray Frizzelle, Karen Glass, Jim Leake, Lloyd Marbach, Jamie Minchew, Terry Teague, and Scott Tomlin) established a $500 CHR Scholarship. Hollingsworth is joined on the Executive Committee by First Vice President, Mark Craven, CHR, Maryland/DC Home Furnishings Representatives Association; Second Vice President, Ray Isser, CHR, Tri-State Home Furnishings Association; Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Gillespie, CHR, Virginia/Carolinas Home Furnishings Representatives Association; and Chairman of the Board, Tom Schuckert, CHR, Cleveland Home Furnishings Representatives Association.