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WITHIT Gears Up for Strong 2004 with Focus on Industry Education

Furniture World Magazine


Buoyed by strong industry support in 2003, WithIt (Women in the Home Industries Today) plans an active year ahead with a focus on industry education through national conferences, mentoring programs and regional activities. “Thanks to our industry sponsors, active members and the leadership of Karen McNeill Harris over the past year, WithIt is unquestionably on its strongest foundation as a non-profit organization,” says WithIt President, Jackie Hirschhaut. “We are clearly poised to make a significant difference in the educational, mentoring and networking opportunities of our members.” With education at the forefront of its agenda, WithIt is co-presenting the second YHFE / WithIt Leadership Conference, “Facing Challenge & Change Through Leadership Excellence,” February 4-5, 2004 at the Airport Marriott in Greensboro, N.C. Staub Leadership Consultants (SLC), a Greensboro-based leadership development firm, will conduct the program based on its “Whole-Hearted Leadership Model.” All members of the home furnishings industry are invited to participate. A second learning event will be held May 12-13, 2004 in Atlanta. This multi-track educational conference is designed to generate new ideas and jump-start professional growth for entrepreneurs, mid- and senior-level managers in larger companies, as well as rising stars and students. Look for your invitation soon, Continuing its effort to illuminate the preferences, interests and habits of the consumers, WithIt is preparing an industry research project and white paper – “What A Woman Wants” – to be released at year end. Plans are also underway to expand WithIt’s mentoring and professional advice initiatives, as well as to enhance the student scholarship program. In addition, WithIt will host a number of High Point Market events that have been valuable educational and networking opportunities in previous years, including a spring market tent event at Historic Market Square, fall market WOW Awards, educational breakfasts and competitive intelligence sessions. For more information about WithIt’s 2004 national and regional activities, visit www.withit.org or contact executive director, Sara Lyke at 336.880.2188 or director@withit.org. WithIt, founded in 1997, encourages and develops leadership, mentoring, education and career opportunities for women in the home furnishings industry. Its annual WOW awards provide an opportunity for the industry to recognize and celebrate excellence.