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More Space Place® To Open Nine New Galleries By February ’06

Furniture World Magazine


More Space Place® franchise, the Nation’s largest wall bed retailer with 32 Operating Galleries, has now licensed its 46th location. At this year’s Annual Meeting held in Clearwater, Florida (October 1st thru 3rd) it was announced that the Franchise had recently completed the licenses to open at least nine new Galleries by February 1, 2006. Five more stores are also licensed to be built under Development Agreements. The More Space Place System is in the midst of a steady, controlled and successful growth strategy with hand picked Owner Operators in selected markets. New franchisees are provided with a comprehensive start-up package that includes location assistance, showroom design, a vast product selection, initial training, and nearly unlimited ongoing support. “The versatility and customization that is available with the product line is reflected in the showrooms,” says Clark Williams, President of More Space Place, Inc. “We tailor each Gallery for the differences in the market areas that we are opening in and also, somewhat, to the personality of each owner.” Each location features More Space Place’s flexible space-saving modular furniture systems that are available in literally thousands of variations. Products include wall beds (Murphy beds, panel beds, library beds, and side beds), custom home offices, entertainment centers, and elegant organizing systems for the closet, pantry and garage. “We continue to attract people with very different backgrounds, the only commonality we are seeing is how our Partners have worked hard to earn their investment capital and to have this opportunity to own their own business,” Marty Juarez, VP of Franchising for More Space Place, Inc. commented. “To prepare for the growth that we know is coming we have already added several key positions to our staff. The entire system is benefiting as our services, numbers and knowledge base expands.”