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PROFITsystems Releases New Barcoding Solution

Furniture World Magazine


PROFITsystems bar coding includes both Wireless (RF) and batch style bar coding. Managing inventory is very time consuming and labor intensive, so using this new bar code technology can tremendously reduce shrinkage, not-in-location errors (NIL’s), and labor costs, saving money that goes straight to the bottom line. The RF bar coding solution operates via a wireless network with hand-held PDA scanners (4 different manufacturers from which to choose) that update inventory in real-time. Both the RF and batch portions of PROFITsystems bar coding handle unique and non-unique piece ID’s for optimal flexibility. Additionally, PDA scanners will also work on the sales floor to check merchandise availability. Got a warehouse without a wireless network? No problem. Users can use the PDA scanners in batch mode and upload scans to the system anytime. If a wireless network is added later or only part of an operation is on a wireless network, users can take advantage of both RF and batch modes – simultaneously! So what does the product cost? For users currently using PROFITsystems bar coding, the new features and enhancements are part of the maintenance benefits. For more information on making the move to bar coding, call 800.888.5565, or access The PROFITsystems website at www.profitsystems.net, and ask about the introductory special! • Unique & Non-unique Piece ID’s • View Merchandise Availability • Merchandise Receiving • Merchandise Transfers • Physical Inventory PROFITsystems is a leading provider of Windows-based retail furniture software. They provide clients with the very latest software features and functions, and have the highest-quality support at one of the lowest prices in the industry. The PROFITsystems web site can be accessed at www.profitsystems.net.