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IHFRA Installs New Officers

Furniture World Magazine


Many thanks to MFA for supplying the following information. IHFRA installs new officers: The International Home Furnishings Representatives Association installed new officers during its annual Presidential Gala and Awards Ceremony during the High Point Market Ray Isser became the 68th president. He is a Certified Homefurnishings Representative and a member of the Tri-State Home Furnishings Association. He has been a rep for 29 years. Isser is joined on the group’s executive committee by First VP Rick Gillispie of the Virginia/Carolinas Home Furnishings Reps Assn., Second VP Jim Craven of the Tennessee Furniture Travelers, Secretary/Treasurer Ed Myers of the Tri-State Group, and Board Chairman Mark Craven of the Maryland-D.C. Home Furnishings Reps Assn. IHFRA presents Bruce Marmer with the Rudy Steltemeier Award: Bruce Marmer was presented with the Rudy Steltemeier Award at IHFRA’s Presidential Gala and Awards Ceremony. The ward is given to an IHFRA member who has demonstrated the qualities of outstanding service to fellow representatives exemplified by Rudy Steltemeier. Bruce began his involvement with the Home Furnishings Assn. of Delaware Valley and then the Tri-State Home Furnishings Assn., serving as president in 1995. He attended IHFRA’s first March on Washington and has been a staunch supporter of IHFRA and the home furnishings industry through the years. He is also an associate member of the MFA.