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Virtual Delivery Source, Inc. Announces Claims Policy Change

Furniture World Magazine


Virtual Delivery Source, Inc., a leading furniture freight management company announced a change in its claims policy. According to VDS President Edward C Tracey, “In the new direct to consumer marketplace, where products are being shipped direct to consumer are now bypassing the dealer we see product showing up at homes with concealed manufacturers defects. This began what is now an age old argument between carrier and manufacturer about who is responsible. “VDS will now have an independent inspector/furniture repair firm go out to the site and visibly inspect for defects or damage, take pictures and then write a detailed report of what is damaged and repairable. We also require that the report include an assessment of whether the damage was caused by carrier handling, poor packaging, and or manufacturer’s defects.” “Many customers ship using LTL common carriers to save money,” continued Tracey, “ This is like going to your dentist to treat a kidney infection because he charges less. LTL common carriers bust up, destroy and mishandle items like furniture at a rate of from 8% to 20% of the time. Contrast that to the damage rates of specialized furniture carriers at less than 1% per year and you see why SFC’s handle the lions share of the business and why they might cost more.” Once a determination is made by the inspector, then it will be up to the VDS client and the carrier to agree on whether to repair, return or replace the items in question. VDS has also adopted Rule 181 to determine whether or not furniture can be shipped safely via LTL common carriers either for drop ship programs or to deliver safely to the final mile agents who then deliver to consumers direct. Rule 181 is a set of packaging standards for the shipping of furniture. It was adopted In the late 1990's by the National Motor Freight Classification Bureau. Virtual Delivery Source will start to charge a handling fee to file claims that do not comply with Rule 181 and have shipped with a common carrier LTL company. VDS will not offer full replacement cost valuation either if the furniture has concealed damages. Details about these new policies and copies of the entire testing process are available by contacting VDS at e-tracey@v-ds.biz VDS hopes that its process will be adopted as standard operating procedure for all transportation companies dealing with furniture. About Virtual Delivery Source: VDS is a freight management company with a niche in furniture delivery nationwide. Company services include handling imports and storage to retail and consumer delivery through their VDS One Look System. Over 200 partners collaborate on seamless pick up and delivery throughout the USA and Canada. VDS services nationwide delivery and furniture repair and today is publicly acknowledging a change in its claim policy by signing a contract with MYEZClaim.com. MyEZClaim is a web based claim management system that allows VDS to manage the claims process for a fee or gives clients the option to manage their own claims. The software package is integrated with the VDS One Look System so that it makes it simple to pass the shipment information into the MYEZClaim system where it is managed by Vutha Um the claims manager for VDS.