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Futon Association International Announces New Officers

Furniture World Magazine


The Futon Association International (FAI) announced that a new Board of Directors has been elected for the year 2006 - 2007. They say farewell to Mike Schweiger, Vice President (Verlo Mattress Factory Stores, WI) and Richard “Japhy” Komassa, Secretary (Crane & Turtle, WI). “Active participants fuel our visions and motivate the realization for our industry. Their tenure on the Board of Directors was greatly appreciated and we will miss them,” said Sue Tedesco, FAI’s newly elected President. The Futon Association International welcomed back Richard Arnovitz (The Futon Store, TN) and Pattie MacMillen (Harvey Bigelow Designs, MA). They joined Brian Donohoo (Strata Furniture, MN), President, Sue Tedesco (The Institute of Futon, FL), Treasurer and Karen Day (Otis Bed Manufacturing, NY), Director. Elections for the current year were cast by the new Board. The outcome of the votes brought forth new officers. The industry leaders, for the Futon Association International are Sue Tedesco, President, Karen Day, Vice President, Richard Arnovitz, Treasurer, Pattie MacMillen, Secretary, and Brian Donohoo, Director . All directors are considered forward thinkers and visionaries to the industry. “My time as President was well spent,” says Brian Donohoo, Past President of FAI. “I have met many people, both in and outside of our industry, with great ideas for the future. I will spend the remainder of my term as Director and continue to support our industry.” The new Officers and Board Members have their work cut out for them. The FAI must unify the diversification of membership to coincide with the premier of the “New” website, debuting in Fall 2006. “I expect this year to be both challenging and rewarding,” said Sue Tedesco, FAI President. “This and past Board of Directors have always been proud to be the voice and represent the futon and specialty sleep trends of our industry.” You can find more information, about the Futon Association International or the current Board of Directors, by visiting: www.futon.org or call Headquarters at: (800)327-3262.