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Moosehead Manufacturing Company Receives Maine Cornerstone Award

Furniture World Magazine


Maine State Senate President Richard A. Bennett has presented Moosehead Manufacturing Company President John Wentworth with the very first 'Cornerstone Award for Business.' In ceremonies at the company's Monson factory Bennett said, 'Moosehead Manufacturing Company represents what is beg about Maine people, their work ethic and their entrepreneurial spirit." He went on to thank Moosehead, its leaders and their employees for Providing prosperity, opportunity and hope to Maine people, whi1e providing a solid foundation to Maine's prosperity. Bennett, said, 'Moosehead is a Maine comerstone because in good times and in bad the company continues to-invest in and support its communities, region and state." Accepting the award Presi ent John Wentworth said, "This is a testament to the 250 current employees and all those who camebefore them. We thank.President Bennett and his nominating board for helping us to prove that nice guys don't.have to finish last."' This is the third major award in three years for Moosehead. In NovemberofI999 Moosehead Manufacturing was named Maine Employer of the Year and in January of 2000 the company was the first recipient of the Pine Tree Award, given by the Maine Wood Products Association for unique and innovative business practices. Moosehead is a family owned manufacturer of solid hardwood bedroom, dining MOM youth and infant furniture with plants in Monson and Dover-Foxcroft Maine.