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Free Tele-Seminar Scheduled: Traffic Boosting Secrets

Furniture World Magazine


The “Traffic” Guys, Ethan Kap and Brett Kitchen will be hosting a free tele-seminar with one of their clients titled “How Jim Fisher, An ‘Undercover’ Retailer Crushes The Competition And Gets More Ups Than He Ever Imagined By Using These 5 Secrets Of Direct Response Marketing”. The call will be held at two separate times on October 26th, 2006: 2:00 EST and 8:00 EST. This tele-seminar will cover how a furniture retailer can use the simple and easy secrets of direct response marketing to flood her store with paying customers. The Traffic Guys will also walk through the process of cutting the fat and waste from your advertising. Ineffective advertising is one of the many forces that are causing furniture retailers to experience low traffic. “Furniture retailers can’t afford to waste money on ineffective advertising. They are not Coke or Nike and don’t have billions of dollars to throw at brand building,” says Ethan. “The home furnishing industry is experiencing a scary transformation. Big box retailers, the Internet, and imports are making it harder for independent retailers to survive. I look all around me and I see independents experiencing low traffic and many are calling it quits. Our simple and cost effective strategies help independents survive and thrive in today’s difficult environment”, says Brett. The teleseminar is free, but the Traffic Guys only have 199 lines and over half are already taken. To register for the Free teleseminar go to www.furnitureprofit.com/ts or call 800-393-2054.