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Greg Harden Appointed To NY State Environmental Board

Furniture World Magazine


Governor George Pataki has appointed Greg Harden, president and chief executive officer, Harden Furniture, to the New York State Environmental Board, as approved by the New York State Senate early last month. The New York State Environmental Board is responsible for the review and adoption of all changes to environmental policy in New York State and is a national leader in setting greenhouse gas emissions standards and brownfields cleanup legislation. The board is comprised of commissioners of various New York State government agencies, such as the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) led by Commissioner Denise Sheehan, and includes citizen members, like Harden, who are stakeholders in New York State environmental policy. Harden has exhibited leadership in raising awareness regarding forestry and related wildlife and water conservation issues as a fifth-generation family member of the 162-year old manufacturer of fine case goods and upholstery. He sought recognition for long established company-managed timber harvesting activities, as well as for procurement and land management systems, through the nationally acclaimed Sustainable Forestry Initiative ® (SFI) program. Harden Furniture owns or manages over 20,000 acres of renewable forests in the Central New York region, and, in 2003, was the first major furniture manufacturer to obtain SFI® certification, based upon compliance of SFI-established standards, a respected program established by the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA). The company’s participation in SFI® reinforces its position to guard against the deforestation of American timber properties and tropical rainforests. “Global industrial practices are placing unprecedented demands on the environment and it is imperative that each of us in the furniture industry take our stewardship seriously,” says Harden. “We must take care to go beyond green marketing to consumers and actively participate in real environmental solutions.” Prior to the state Environmental Board appointment, Harden served as trustee of the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Environmental Science Forestry. Harden is a Standards Committee volunteer for the newly formed Sustainable Furniture Council, consisting of home furnishings professionals eager to establish and promote sustainable development practices within the industry.