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Young Home Furnishings Professionals Creates Interactive Job Board

Furniture World Magazine


The Young Home Furnishings Professionals (YHFP), a division of the American Home Furnishings Alliance, has launched an interactive job board called the YHFP Career Connection. Job postings are currently being accepted from home furnishings industry employers. Those individuals seeking employment may post resumés beginning November 1, 2007. With a focus on the home furnishings industry, the YHFP Career Connection offers prospective employers and job seekers an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online employment connections. “We’re very excited about the YHFP Career Connection, because we know how critical it is for companies in the home furnishings industry to attract first-rate talent with a minimum expenditure of time and resources,” says AHFA CEO Andy Counts. Employers with job openings need not be members of the AHFA to use the YHFP Career Connection to reach qualified candidates. A 50 percent discount off the regular job posting price is available to all employers through January 15, 2008. Employers can post jobs online, search for qualified candidates based on specific job criteria and create an online resumé agent to email qualified candidates to their account daily. They also benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics. For job seekers, YHFP Career Connection is a free service that provides access to employers and jobs in the home furnishings industry. Candidates do not need to be members of the YHFP to post their resumés. Job seekers can browse and view available jobs based on their criteria and save those jobs for later review if they choose. Job seekers can also create a search agent to provide email notifications of jobs that match their criteria. YHFP is dedicated to promoting the home furnishings industry and attracting young professionals to enter and remain in the industry. The organization developed the YHFP Career Connection in partnership with Boxwood Technology Inc., a provider of career center services for the association industry. To post a job and receive the special introductory offer of 50 percent off the regular posting price, employers should visit http://careerconnection.yhfp.org. The American Home Furnishings Alliance – located in High Point, N.C., and Washington, D.C. – is the largest association of home furnishings companies in the world and represents more than 250 leading furniture manufacturers and distributors, as well as 225 suppliers to the furniture industry worldwide.