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CreditStar Consumer Finance Software Introduces Interest Up-Rate Feature

Furniture World Magazine


American Software, the developer of the CreditStar consumer finance management software package, announced that it is now offering its Interest Up-Rate feature to expand the benefits of CreditStar. The software automatically increases interest on accounts that become delinquent. When an account becomes current the interest rate will automatically reduce down to as low as the first level rates. When an interest rate is increased or decreased, the system will automatically document the rate of interest and time stamp the customer’s communication log. The five tiers of ratings may be used to add flexibility to an already powerful program. This up-rate feature gives medium and small companies the ability to offer zero percent interest for specific time periods, and to only charge interest if the account becomes delinquent. With the five levels of interest rate pre-set by the administrator, company president Richard Hadad says, “Medium and Small sized companies can now have the same credit marketing advantages as the larger companies.” Hadad says this service offers a powerful way to ensure a steady profit and cash flow for medium and small sized business: “Companies who manage their own finance department or service increase their profits significantly”. About American Software & Computers: Since 1986, American Software & Computers, headquartered in Albuquerque, has been totally committed to its flagship product, CreditStar. The company’s experienced staff is dedicated to its continual development and improvement as a state-of-the-art consumer credit financing software. Contact: Richard Hadad at 1-800-617-8271 or visit www.creditstarsoftware.com..