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Gary Lasar Elected President Of MFA For 2008

Furniture World Magazine


The Metropolitan Furnishings Association (MFA) announced that at a recent Board meeting of the Associaiton, Gary Lasar was named the 2008 President elect, and Kevin Snyder and Jim Lubas were named VP's elect. Additionally, two new Board members were elected. Tommy Leflein and Manny Salermo. The swearing in will take place at the MFA annual Awards banquet on Dec. 4th at Il Tulipano in Cedar Grove, NJ. At the banquet, Tom Leflein will be honored with the Liveright award; John Koziel with Retailer of the year; Chuck Cuccia with Representative of the year, Will Schafer of Ashley with Manufacturer's store of the year; and Paul Massood as Young Retailer of the year.