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AHFA Environmental Seminars Scheduled For High Point Show

Furniture World Magazine


The American Home Furnishings Alliance will participate in a series of educational seminars on environmental topics sponsored by Merchandise Mart Properties Inc. during the April 7-13 High Point Market. The seminars will be held on the top floor of the Suites at Market Square, next to the EcoStyle Pavilion. AHFA will offer two 4-5 p.m. sessions, the first on Monday, April 7, and the second on Wednesday, April 9. Under the banner “More at Four,” the sessions will augment breakfast and lunch seminars offered by the Sustainable Furniture Council on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Monday’s “More at Four” presentation is titled, “Small Steps Make a Big Impact” and will provide an overview of AHFA’s Sustainable by Design certification program. “Several of the industry’s largest suppliers are already taking the first steps toward Sustainable by Design certification,” notes AHFA Vice President Bill Perdue. “As these companies begin implementing sustainable business practices, they are making measurable environmental improvements. The April 7 session will highlight how small steps definitely make a big impact.” The Wednesday, April 9, session will tackle the thorny issues of wood certification, the availability of certified lumber for furniture production, and the AHFA’s rationale for recognizing multiple lumber certification programs. “The Search for Certified Wood: A Sensible Solution” will feature AHFA’s Perdue, along with Tom Inman, president of the Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Inc., which recently introduced the “Appalachian Hardwood Verified Sustainable” program. There is no charge for either seminar and all market attendees are invited to participate.