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IHFRA’s 70th Annual Association Celebration

Furniture World Magazine


On Saturday, March 20th, IHFRA, the International Home Furnishings Representatives Association, will hold its annual event in honor of the award recipients for the association. Awards given include The “Rudy Steltemeier Award of Excellence” and Deans of IHFRA awards. This year, Clyde Heck of West Virginia HFSA chapter will be awarded the “Rudy” award, named in honor of Rudy Steltemeier who was a home furnishings representative for 66 years. Rudy loved the furniture industry and loved the people in it. He was well known for his habit of telling everyone to, "Just call me Rudy." From company presidents to custodians, Rudy was both loved and respected. Many representatives became successful because Rudy went to bat for them, got them lines or lent them money, and several furniture stores in his territory are in business today because he guaranteed their orders or made loans to them when times were tight. It is to encourage this spirit of helping fellow representatives that the Rudy Award was established. The Deans of IHFRA will be awarded to Chuck Hekman (Charles E.), Michigan HFRA, Martina Frisch, Kentucky HFRA, Stephen Cohen, CHR, Tri-State HFA, Cynthia St. Clair, Indiana HFC, and Maurice Pleasants, CHR, Virginia Carolina HFRA who by exemplary action and devotion to IHFRA have contributed in a significant way to the advancement of IHFRA's objectives. The Award recognizes quality of service and dedication that has set an outstanding example for others to follow. Another Dean of IHFRA award will be give at the March 20th celebration. The additional recipient is Joe Saunder, MD/DC HFRA.