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Jordan Greenberg Presented With Meadoff Award For Sportsmanship

Furniture World Magazine


The Greater New York Home Furnishings Association announced that Jordan Greenberg, President of Apropos and also this year's President of the GNYHFA was presented with the Meadoff Award For Sportsmanship. The award was presened by Gail Meadoff at the The 64th presentation of this coveted award during the GNYHFA's golf outing. Initiated by the late Hal Meadoff in honor of his father A.S. Meadoff, the award has been continued by Hal's family and is now known as the "Meadoff Memorial Award for Sportsmanship". Sportsmanship, as defined by this award, does not signify skill or performance. It has to do with a person's sense of fair play and fair-mindedness. Personal relationships in the industry, social consciousness and support of humane and philanthropic causes are attributes carefully considered by the awards committee. These were the characteristics that Sam Meadoff had, which made him so revered by his peers. Former recipients meet each year to review and choose an individual to receive this honor. The Meadoff Memorial Award for Sportsmanship is one of the most coveted Awards in our Industry, since it is the "person" not merely a position or title being recognized. Former recipients include: 1942- Sam Shapiro 1943- Harry Michaels 1944- Charles Seidenman 1945- Arthur Stengel 1946- Sol Edelman 1947- Jess Shlivek 1948- Fred Daum 1949- Jack Melniker 1950- Louis Ferraguzzi 1951- Irving Sherman 1952- John Jaffin 1953- Carl Bryant 1954- Irv Baldinger 1955- Ed Morrisey 1956- Sam Handel 1957- Henry Shaeffer 1958- Sam Reiner 1959- Charles Shaughnessey 1960- William Sachs 1961- Joe Fontana 1962- Herb Kimless 1963- Ed Frank 1964- Sandy Bienenstock 1965- Sam Faeder 1966- Walter Engel 1967- Sol Gerwin 1968- Frank Katz 1969- Bill Floegel 1970- Billy Martin 1971- Nat Ancell 1972- Jack Siegel 1973- Burt Pordes 1974- Bob Stengel 1975- Richard Sachs 1976- Harry Krosner 1977- Morris Muster 1978- Sam Schwat 1979- Milton Goodman 1980- Mike Massood 1981- Frank O'Connor 1982- Stanley Rosenberg 1983- Hal Meadoff 1984- Lee Corson 1985- Harvey Gleberman 1986- Norman Waxman 1987- Barton Bienenstock 1988- Lou Nagelsmith 1990- David Druckman 1992- Russell Bienenstock 1993- George Massood 1994- Gary Zuckerman 1995- Marty Herman 1996- Joe Cory 1998- Jim Druckman 1999- Gail Meadoff 2000- Andy Gans 2001- Arthur Koch 2002- Mickey Talkov 2003- Seymour Fineman 2004- Louis Massood 2005-Keith Seigerman 2006- David Goldstein 2007- Harris Kirsch