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aspenhome Launches Corporate Conscience Fundraising Campaign To Benefit City Of Hope Cancer Research

Furniture World Magazine


To celebrate receiving the 2008/2009 Spirit of Life Award, aspenhome joined their team of lifetime industry achievers in this prestigious honor. “David Heard, Jena Hall, Andy Nielsen, David Blum, Kim Whitlock, and Bill Reece have each given 30+ years to the Home Furnishings Industry and are individuals worthy of this recognition,” says Bill Colegrove, aspenhome CEO and spokesperson. aspenhome will also introduce an innovative fund-raising effort for the City of Hope. Imagine, a new full-line collection, set to debut in February, will be the conduit for the fundraising in 2009. “We invite each and every person and company that is connected to this product to join in our efforts,” adds Colegrove.

At the City of Hope kick-off cocktail party, Tuesday, October 21st, aspenhome unveiled their new campaign “Imagine the Possibilities” with a sneak preview of the product. This corporate conscience fundraising campaign will allow everyone who touches Imagine, from the designers to the consumers, to join together to find the cure.

“This is a perfect way for the industry to come together,” stated Colegrove. “Imagine the possibilities that can occur when we all join forces in a common goal. Raising the money needed to continue City of Hope’s valuable research to find cures for those stricken with life threatening diseases is a wonderful way for us all to give back to our community.”

Every item sold from the Imagine collection will contribute to this worthy effort and will continue to do so for the life of the collection.