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Credit Bureau Reporting Feature Announced For CreditStar Consumer Finance Software

Furniture World Magazine


American Software, the developer of CreditStar, Consumer Finance Management Software, announced that is now offering its Credit Bureau Consumer Data Reporting feature for its CreditStar Software. The program meets the Credit Bureaus requirements and is reported in the Metro II format. This feature gives medium and small companies the ability to report their consumer data to the three major credit bureaus. Credit Bureau approval is required for this service. Experian and Equifax credit bureaus require a minimum of 500 active accounts to accept the data. Trans Union Credit Bureau requires only 100 accounts. Requirements that must be met are the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Federal Fair Billing Act, and the Federal Equal Opportunity Credit Act, along with very strict data structure and security requirements from the Credit Bureaus. According to the credit bureaus very few software programs generate the information that is required. American software’s CreditStar software meets those requirements Company President Richard Hadad says the medium and small sized companies can now have the same credit and collection advantages as the larger companies. Company President Richard Hadad says this service offers a powerful way to ensure a steady profit and cash flow for small and medium-sized businesses: “The companies who manage their own finance department or service increase their profits significantly.” About American Software & Computers: Since 1986, American Software & Computers, headquartered in Albuquerque, has been totally committed to its flagship product CreditStar, The Company’s experienced staff is dedicated to its continual development and improvement as a state of the art consumer credit financing software. Contact Richard Hadad at 1-800-617-8271 or 505-293-6362. or visit our website at www.creditstarsoftware.com