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Post Show Report Delhi Wood Woodworking Fair

Furniture World Magazine


Organizers of the First edition of Delhi Wood, international exhibition for wood working machinery, fittings, accessories, raw materials and products announced that the show which closed on the 17th of Feb 2009 had a highly successful four exhibition days. “Delhi Wood 2009” was organised by PDA Trade Fairs, organizers of “INDIA WOOD”, & was supported by “EUMABOIS” – the European Federation of Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers Associations. The first edition of Delhi Wood attracted about 300 exhibitors included participants from 29 countries. The organizers, PDATF say, “Although it was a first time show, DELHIWOOD attracted an overseas exhibitor participation of 63%, which is highly satisfactory.” Mr. Pradeep Devaiah, Chairman & CEO of PDATF stated, “The response to the first edition of Delhi Wood is ample proof that ‘India is where the market is’ in times of economic adversities”. He said, “The group participation from China, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Taiwan, Turkey and the USA emphasized our belief that India is a market with scope for business for companies that are willing to be aggressive in difficult times.” Delhi Wood attracted over 13,000 visitors during the four days of the event. A key part of the success of Delhi Wood was the support provided by a number of international trade associations and industry organisations, including the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), the Italian Woodworking Machinery and Tool Manufacturers Association (ACIMALL), the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), the Taiwan Woodworking Machinery Association (TWMA), the CBTC (Cane & Bamboo Technology Centre),the Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), the Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST) and the Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers of America (WMMA). In addition, Delhi Wood’s many media partners provided invaluable assistance in establishing Delhi Wood’s good name. In addition to the PRINCIPAL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of Delhi Wood and India’s oldest and foremost trade publication, WOOD NEWS, other media and e-media partners included Modern Woodwork, FDM Asia, Hardware Sanitary Construction World, Panels & Furniture Asia, Panel World, Lakda Udyog Darshan, Sino-foreign Woodworking Machinery, busytrade.com, fordaq, indiaplywood.com, trade-india.com, Machine Junction, indiamart.com, timberhunt.com, Wood & Panel World. Show Facts: Exhibition Area – 16,300 Square Meters. No of Exhibitors – 297 No of countries – 29 Percentage of overseas participation – 63% Total trade visitors – 13,378