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SFC Launches New Programs

Furniture World Magazine


The Sustainable Furnishings Council announced that it attracted a lot of attention and many new members at the Winter market in Las Vegas Feb 9-13. The SFC expanded its educational offerings at market in several significant ways that drew strong crowds. Their slate of three free presentations was delivered in a dedicated Seminar Lounge inside the Living Green Pavilion in Bldg B, and each drew a capacity crowd of over 50 participants. The topics all revolved around ways for retailers to green their businesses, including Sourcing & Operations, Marketing, and Sales, and presenters included some notable SFC members. Sourcing & Operations on Monday, 2/9 was led by Laurie Schmidt and Lisa Russell of contemporary manufacturer Animavi, and the Sales discussion on Wednesday, 2/11 was led by Greg Harden of Harden Furniture, one of the SFC’s first Silver Exemplary manufacturers. “The high attendance at our seminars was very encouraging,” says SFC Executive Director Susan Inglis. “We have always gotten great support and response in Las Vegas, and this was our best ever, a significant accomplishment in the current environment.” The SFC also rolled out an industry first certification program. It is a 6-hour exam course called GREENleaders that provides intensive education on environmental issues pertaining to home furnishings, consumer research results, product sourcing, sales technique, interior design, and showroom operations. Participants are tested after each module, with a 90% passing grade required to achieve accreditation for having successfully completed the course of study. It is intended for business owners, managers, reps, and designers who want to differentiate themselves as expert in green residential. The program was piloted successfully in Las Vegas, and will be offered at High Point market, as well as through webinars and partner providers. “The exam course is the single biggest thing to occur since the establishment of our consensus industry Standards,” according to Mike Italiano, co-founder of the US Green Building Council and current SFC board member. “Home furnishings has a serious need for credible education, and this is the best in the business.” The everyday business of signing new members was also very healthy. SFC representatives met with over 500 new prospects during market, inking a dozen on the spot with dozens more taking applications. SFC is now the #1 organization in green home furnishings. More information on education or membership can be obtained from Susan Inglis at susan@sustainablefurnishings.org.