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HFA Reports: The Sturdy Act

Furniture World Magazine


The STURDY Act: One Step Closer to Full Senate Consideration

The Senate Commerce Committee unanimously approved a revised version of the STURDY Act on May 11, moving it one step closer to full Senate consideration. The STURDY Act would require the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to adopt a mandatory safety standard for clothing storage unit tip-overs. Stakeholders from varying positions, including furniture retailers, manufacturers and consumer and parent safety groups, agreed to language that would mandate the adoption of an updated voluntary standard (currently ASTM F2057-19) that

  • Tests simulating the weight of children up to 60 pounds.
  • Objective, repeatable, reproducible, measurable tests that simulate real-world use that accounts for impacts on stability such as placement on carpeted surfaces, loaded drawers, multiple open drawers and dynamic force.

The process of updating the current ASTM voluntary standard to address these concerns is well underway. In recent years the CPSC has recalled several clothing storage units that do not comply with the existing voluntary standard. This mandatory standard will advance safety efforts that HFA and its members have supported for many years.

The HFA looks forward to working with this stakeholder coalition and congressional champions to get the STURDY Act enacted into law this year.

Possible Roadblock

There is great fanfare surrounding the legislative filibuster in the Senate, which requires 60 votes to move forward with debate on the Senate floor. However, the Senate can approve legislation via unanimous consent, meaning one Senator could hold up that process. In many cases, the opposition is not connected to the underlying issue. If there were opposition to moving STURDY through unanimous consent, it would need to be attached to another legislative vehicle under consideration, like a government funding bill.

Tax Laws & Supply Chain

In May, HFA Government Relations Action Team gathered in Washington for its annual DC Fly-In to discuss the STURDY Act face-to-face with key leaders. Other legislative issues critically important to the home furnishings industry were covered as well, including tax laws and supply chain issues.

To learn more about how the Home Furnishings Association is working on behalf of the interests of the furniture industry, visit go.myhfa.org..

A  feature about Home Furnishings Association's retail members, legislation affecting the furniture industry and other retail news from HFA.