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Government Advocacy

Furniture World Magazine


It was a tumultuous year for HFA retail members in 2022. They have navigated various macroeconomic issues, including inflation with rising energy costs, supply chain disruptions and lingering COVID-19 impacts. In May of 2022, the Home Furnishings Association Government Relations Action Team (GRAT) returned to Washington, DC.

Economic Conditions

Furniture retailers are experiencing a high level of uncertainty in their businesses. And there was no better way to illustrate these dynamics than for HFA to explain them in person to Members of Congress, White House staff, Administration officials and other stakeholders.

While it was not an easy time, furniture retailers and their employees were resilient in the face of an unprecedented business environment. As we continue through the current business cycle phase, container and shipping rates have returned closer to normal and delivery times have become more reasonable. We recently stared down the possibility of a massive railroad worker strike ahead of the holidays, threatening huge supply chain chaos. HFA joined the call to get the Biden administration and Congress to impose a contract deal to avoid the strike.

Furniture Tipover Standard

Looking ahead into 2023, a pending regulation from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) will be significant for our industry. It will create a mandatory safety standard for clothing storage units and transform the bedroom furniture category. When the CPSC rolled out its proposal in 2022, it reported that only ONE single clothing storage unit it tested out of nearly 200 would meet the minimum standard. For furniture manufacturers and retailers, it means all clothing storage units must be redesigned/engineered before they are sold. The CPSC Final Rule was published in the Federal Register in November 2022, giving our industry only six months until late May 2023 to comply.

In September 2022, the U.S. Senate passed a new version of the STURDY Act, which requires the CPSC to adopt a revised voluntary standard as its mandatory federal standard. Negotiations are ongoing in the House to advance this bill to the President’s desk. Regardless, significant change is coming to bedroom/clothing storage units. So, if you are a manufacturer, importer or retailer, you must prepare for these updated standards.

“When the CPSC rolled out its proposal in 2022, it reported that only ONE single clothing storage unit it tested out of nearly 200 would meet the minimum standard.”

Going Forward

HFA looks forward to continuing to share HFA member concerns and experiences on critical issues at the State and Federal level in 2023. That includes addressing legislation under consideration regarding the supply chain, ocean shipping, port capacity, furniture tipover, and more.



A  feature about Home Furnishings Association's retail members, legislation affecting the furniture industry and other retail news from HFA.