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Top Retail Tips From TD Bank

Research from TD Bank on how to reach and create ways to satisfy today's consumers.

Financing Options Will Help Furniture Retailers Weather Trade-War Uncertainties

Many furniture retail executives anticipate that a continuation or escalation of the conflict between the world’s two largest economies could lead to higher prices – and as a result this could lead more customers to explore financing options.

Strong Partnerships and Better Data Will Help Retailers Weather Changing Times

Certainty in partnerships helps businesses navigate uncertain times, particularly for home furnishing retailers.

Utilize Financing Products While You Still Can

Furniture retailers should take advantage of one of their most effective tools while they're still a cost-effective option.

101 Retailers Share Concerns for 2018

TD Bank conducted a poll of 101 furniture retail executives to get a pulse on industry trends.

Consumer Rewards Programs

Customer loyalty programs are a strategic option to ensure new customers become consistent buyers, and that frequent shoppers are rewarded for coming back.

Serving Customers Through Omnichannel Platforms is the Best Way to Stay Ahead

By making purchases more convenient for customers through uniform mobile, online and in-store offerings, furniture retailers set themselves apart from competitors says Mike Rittler at TD Bank.

TD Bank Survey Reveals That Furniture Retailers Plan To Expand High-End Offerings

Recent survey data released by TD Bank, is based a poll of a select group of 109 retail furniture executives.

Survey shows 69 percent of furniture retailers expect that sales will increase in 2017.

35 percent of respondents expect that the majority of their customers will browse, apply and buy furniture online in the next two years.

Five Top Tips for Increasing Your Sales This Christmas

Five proven methods for increasing sales - and saving your sanity, this holiday season.