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Furniture Theft, Employee Fraud

Articles on employee theft, inventory shrinkagge and retail store fraud.

Employee Theft

Theft is a big problem in our industry. Here are simple ways to protect your business.

Retail Solutions For Preventing Employee Theft

Theft by trusted employees is a big problem for furniture retailers. So what kinds of employee monitoring and process controls should you consider?

Big Employee Theft Problem

Warehouse shrinkage, missing deliveries and customer - employee collusion are a reality. Often these problems go unreported because of insufficient oversight.

Guide To Fraud Prevention - Part 4

The fourth installment in this series on preventing employee and customer fraud examines ways you can fraud-proof your documents and forge-proof your signature.

Guide To Fraud Prevention - Part 3 - Preventing Theft

If you are like most furniture store executives, you spend a good percentage of your time trying to get the best merchandise into your store, but next to no time at all preparing your people to recognize fraud. The third article in this series will look at ways to prevent company and customer information from being stolen.

Guide To Fraud Prevention - Part 2 - Internal Fraud

If you are like most furniture store executives, you spend a good percentage of your time trying to get the best merchandise into your store, but next to no time at all preparing your people to recognize fraud. The second article in this series will look at internal or employee fraud and how you can detect and prevent it.

Guide To Fraud Prevention - Part 1- External Fraud

If you are like most furniture store executives, you spend a good percentage of your time trying to get the best merchandise into your store, but next to no time at all preparing your people to recognize fraud. This series will look at external and internal fraud and present practical tools you can use to preserve bottom line profits.

Managing Inventory Theft

Although theft of goods is on the rise in furniture retail establishments nationwide, it is a problem that is too often ignored. Most of your products are easily sold by thieves, stolen by employees to meet specific requests from their friends, or even to furnish their own house!