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Easy Furniture Web Tip 169: “I like you guys.” Web Content That Works!

Furniture World News Desk on 5/21/2013

By Katherine Andes

This recently happened to one of my clients: A prospect came into my client’s business because of what he had read on their website. He said, “I like you guys.”

That’s the kind of response you should be looking for with your website. Your web content needs to help your visitors to know, like, and trust you.

How can you do that? Writing copy that’s makes a company “likeable” is simple enough in concept … but not so easy to execute. Otherwise, copywriter types like me wouldn’t make a living at it.

When you write a piece of web content or it is delivered to you by a staffer or freelancer, try to “hear it” as you read it out loud. Listen for how your copy “sounds” …

  • Does it sound friendly?
  • Does it sound conversational?
  • Does it flow easily?
  • Does it inform pleasantly?
  • Does it speak to me personally?
  • Does it have the ring of truth?

That last point is critical. You must be honest at all times … sure you can dress up your selling points so your products and services look their best. But, in the end, all your points need to be true.

Lies have a way of seeping out and destroying all the trust you built up by being likeable.

Easy Furniture Web Tip 169: The main goal of your web content should be that you want folks to think, “I like these guys.” Then they’ll take that call-to-action.

Katherine Andes specializes in web content development and search engine optimization — including page customization for storefront and franchise web sites. Visit her website www.AndesAndAssociates.com or phone her at 559.589.0379.
Easy Furniture Web Tips

Articles in Easy Furniture Web Tips