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Ed Tashjian & Bill Napier debate important industry topics.

Point/Counterpoint: Higher Education

Is the state of our educational system a big problem for our industry?

Point/CounterPoint: Industry Sales Reps

Will traditional representatives even exist 10 years from now?

High Point Market Point/Counterpoint

Ed Tashjian and Bill Napier duke it out over the future of the High Point Market.

Technology Point/Counterpoint

Everybody is buzzing about VR/AR. Will the early adapters . . . the Amazons, Wayfairs and Frontgates eat your lunch?

Point/Counterpoint: The Times They Are a-Changin'?

Bill says, follow the money to the Baby Boom generation. Ed says “The Times They Are a-Changin'”.

Point/Counterpoint: Do Manufacturing Brands Matter?

Bill says, furniture brands don't matter anymore. Ed has a more nuanced view. Both say it's the Elephant in the room.

Point/Counterpoint: What Keeps You Up At Night?

Bill Napier and Ed Tashjian tell why they are deeply concerned about the future of US home furnishings retailers.

Point/Counterpoint: How Much Is Too Much Digital?

Bill Napier thinks there is too much hype about digital-only retail marketing. Ed Tashjian takes a more nuanced view.

Point-Counterpoint: A Millennial Myth?

Is this promising demographic target being over-hyped by marketers in the furniture industry?

Point-Counterpoint: Celebrity Licensing

Is all the licensing of celebrity furniture lines in the home furnishing’s category worth the cost?