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Easy Furniture Web Tip #23

Furniture World News


Add Pages to Your Website to Tap into Keywords and the Geo Advantage

By Katherine Andes

Take every opportunity you can to add new pages to your website. This doesn’t mean your site will be cluttered. In fact, it can still have a very clean look as most of these new pages can be on the third or lower tier of your navigation.

The advantage is that these pages can be optimized for more keywords. For example, your home page may be optimized for “sofas, beds, houston, texas.” But other pages can be more specific with keywords like contemporary, modern, Old World, traditional, hideaways, etc.

In addition, if your store provides interior decorating, you can add individual portfolio pages of rooms. This is especially helpful to draw in prospects from neighboring cities. For example, if our fictional store in Houston decorated a home in nearby Baytown, I would mention “this home in Bayview” in the body copy of the Web page, as well as in the meta tags. This will help the page to show up high in search engine results in that location bringing Bayview customers to Houston.

Other pages that can help with geographical recognition are testimonials. If you have a testimonial from someone in a specific city, build a simple page around that testimonial, or even a case study. 

A Question & Answer forum is also a rich source for building pages. The answer to each question someone submits makes a new page. With this, you will get keyword phrases you never would have thought of. Some of these keywords will actually bring you a lot of visitors. Again, you can tap the territorial advantage by having the Questioner identified by location.

Once you start brainstorming, you’ll be surprised how many pages you can add!

Easy Furniture Web Tip #23: Each time you add a page to your website you are casting your net wider to capture customers. And it’s very cost-effective; a once-loaded single web page can capture customers for years and years.

Katherine Andes is a consultant who specializes in web content development, including search engine optimization, and landing pages — especially in the home improvement market. You can contact her at kathy@andesandassociates.com. 

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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